Saturday, September 15, 2007

Person-Centered Ethnography Questions

1.) What events have shaped your life thus far? Can you name some influential people? Do they have any qualities you greatly admire?

2.) How would you describe yourself? How would others describe you? Which qualities do you take the most pride in? Which qualities are you not so proud of? Is there anything you would change about yourself?

3.) What role does TV play in your everyday life? Do you enjoy watching TV? How many hours would you say you spend watching TV per week? At what time of the day do you generally watch TV? Do you ever download TV shows online or buy them in DVD form?

4.) Do you have a favorite channel? What shows do you watch regularly? What genre of shows and/or movies are you typically drawn to?

5.) Which character on Gilmore Girls do you relate to the most? Does he/she posses any qualities you wish you possessed, as well? When you’re watching the show, do you ever put yourself in his/her shoes? Do you ever think about this character when you’re not watching the show? Do you, perhaps, act in certain ways because this character would if placed in a similar situation?


Brittney said...

That's funny you read my questions because of the similarities in our topic choices. I also read your questions for the same reason when I was
trying to get an idea of the types of questions I should ask. I think the way you planned out your questions was very smart. First you gathered information about the individual, then on the role TV in general plays in their life, and then finally ended with the role of Gilmore Girls specifically. By this time, you may already have started to develop an idea on why there is such an interest in this show because you've already learned about them and their TV habits. I wonder if you might also want to note their interest in pop culture in general, because Gilmore Girls is so into making pop culture references. It might be important to their understanding of and interest in the show.

Colleen said...

The questions you have posted are pretty good. I am a fan of Gilmore girls and I really like the dynamic that the mother and daughter have. You could ask if viewing this show has had an effect on the dynamic between parent and child in their own life.

Stoo said...

These are well constructed questions. I like the way in which the first couple of questions correlate to the final question. By asking about the qualities they like and dislike in themselves and doing the same for the characters in Gilmore Girls, you have given yourself the opportunity to make a direct link between themselves and the character. This could produce some interesting material and reasoning for her strong relationship with the show.

With the more general questions such as preferred genre and TV channels you will be able to get a broader idea of her relationship with popular culture. Well done.